Do you have a bike sharing service where you live?
Washington DC, my home, has one of the first bike sharing services in the country. In its ten-year history, riders have taken more than 27 million trips and ridden 150 million miles. Today there are 600 stations, 5K bikes, and 26K members.
A few years ago, when a rack of red bikes appeared on my street, I admit I was concerned about giving up parking spaces to accommodate them. But biking is so much better for the environment--and for our health and fitness--than driving!
Now, when the weather’s nice, I use it pretty often, mostly for local trips. I love that I can park at bike stations all around town while I run errands, and don’t have to worry about locking my own bike, or parking my car. During the pandemic, my family has used bike share to get outside and get some exercise in a fun yet socially-distant way.
Image credit: Capital Bikeshare App