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Workplace wellness programs that actually work.
Attract, engage, and retain the best talent from anywhere.
Personalized Micro-Breaks
Everybody is unique. One employee may love meditation, but another can’t stand it, making it challenging to find solutions that work for everyone. Our AI-enhanced platform helps employees integrate personalized wellness strategies into their busy schedules.
Cutting-Edge Techniques
Can music help you focus? How do you incorporate high-impact movement breaks between meetings? In live virtual sessions, experts from around the globe share the latest science-backed wellness topics, and teach actionable strategies to help employees use them.
Kits by Mail
Getting a package in the mail feels like a holiday. Our wellness kits, mailed straight to employees’ doorsteps, include tools the experts incorporate into our live virtual sessions.
Actionable Analytics
Our ongoing analytics enable you to better understand and meet your employees’ needs. Track progress in engagement, team collaboration, adoption of healthy habits, and stress reduction in a format you can share with your Board or other leadership groups.
Remote work can get stressful and lonely.
We are getting a lot of positive feedback! We've even had comments from staff that this was the best activity we've offered.
I can see this is a very thoughtfully assembled package by people who know the obstacles that we've faced working from home. I've found it very difficult to give myself time during the day to de-stress, and this is like a window of time in which it feels OK to do so, especially with the idea that it will make me more productive and engaged in my work.
The buzz I heard was that everyone was thrilled with it! It is obvious how you pay attention to details... You thought of everything!