Fitting Wellness Into Work and Life

Take Control of Your Health and Wellness in Everyday Life
Artificial Intelligence

Take Control of Your Health and Wellness in Everyday Life

For many of us, it's tempting not to think about our health until something goes wrong, especially when we’re young. In high school my best friend and I often walked to the corner store together t...
finding silver linings in the pandemic featured image

Finding Silver Linings in the Pandemic

Yes, even a global pandemic can have a silver lining. Not to diminish the terrible parts of COVID-19, of which there are plenty, but it’s also OK to look for the positives, in part because doing so...
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behavior change

Has a Health App or Wellness Tool Changed Your Life?

Image credits: Top Left - HidrateSpark PRO Water Bottle (, Top Middle - Samsung Family Hub™ 4-Door Flex™ Refrigerator (, Top Right - Apple Watch with Activity Rings (De...
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digital health

Your Guide to Digital Health 101

A woman in Louisiana saved $3,785.32 on her MRI with a little homework. She cancelled her $4,458.00 MRI appointment and signed up for another in her area for $672.68 instead. Did you know that the...
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Digital Healthcare Trends 2021: Take Control of Your Health

Lygeia Ricciardi of AdaRose interviews national healthcare expert Dr. Geeta Nayyar on how to leverage digital technology to take control of your health in 2021. Their conversation covers how the pa...
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digital health

Virtual Healthcare: Options Every Patient Should Know About

Managing your health and healthcare can be hard. Who doesn’t want to minimize the hassle? The good news is, technology can help. Today 93% of Americans use the Internet—a proportion that’s been gro...
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digital health

What is digital health, and why should you care? (Part 2 of 2)

This post is the second half of an introductory Digital Health 101 for consumers, patients, and care partners. Part 1 explains what digital health is, and why it's critically important right now. T...
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artificial intelligence

What is digital health, and why should you care? (Part 1 of 2)

This post is an introduction to digital health for consumers and patients. It's Digital Health 101 in two parts. This first part explains what digital health is, and why it's critically important r...
telehealth makes caring for your family easier featured image
health care

Make Family Care Easier with Telehealth

Back in the day (just a year ago!) if you had a medical concern for yourself or a family member, you had to make an appointment and take a half day or more out of work or other plans to trek to and...

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