Fitting Wellness Into Your Life

where are you on your patient engagement journey featured image
digital health

Where are You on Your Patient Engagement Journey?

The Society for Participatory Medicine ran my guest blog post in 2021 about my personal patient engagement journey. They have tips you can use to boost your own engagement in healthcare (and a mani...
bridging the digital divide in healthcare featured image
Access to Health Care Services

Bridging the Digital Divide in Healthcare

Digital health can help people improve their health in many ways, from finding information online to managing chronic conditions via wearable devices. Getting online access to your own health recor...
you gotta own your health featured image
behavior change

Own Your Health: Both Health and Healthcare Depend on You

It’s tempting not to think about your health until something goes wrong. As long as nothing hurts or slows you down, you can focus on something else, right? Not quite. Let’s change that mindset. Fo...
what personalized healthcare means for you featured image
Artificial Intelligence

What Personalized Healthcare Means for You

Most of us long to be seen and cared for as unique individuals, especially when we’re feeling ill or injured. Until now, much of healthcare has been rooted in what works for the “average” patient, ...
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How Aetna-CVS is Helping People Navigate the Health Care System

Who doesn't want to make managing their health and health care easier? But changing unhealthy habits and navigating the fragmented health care system can be challenging at best. Aetna-CVS, the lar...
your guide to digital health 101 featured image
digital health

Your Guide to Digital Health 101

A woman in Louisiana saved $3,785.32 on her MRI with a little homework. She cancelled her $4,458.00 MRI appointment and signed up for another in her area for $672.68 instead. Did you know that the...
how to be a great caregiver featured image
care partner

How to Be a Great Caregiver

"Behind every great man is a great woman," the old saying goes. While those assumptions about gender roles need a reboot IMHO, the deeper point is that it's hard to go it alone. Also, the outward s...
making healthcare more human with human centered design featured image

Making Healthcare More Human with Human Centered Design

You know that feeling when you rearrange your life to set up a doctor’s appointment, rush to arrive on time, and then end up sitting in the waiting room for an hour before you get in? Then you get ...
what is digital health and why should you care featured image
digital health

What is digital health, and why should you care? (Part 2 of 2)

This post is the second half of an introductory Digital Health 101 for consumers, patients, and care partners. Part 1 explains what digital health is, and why it's critically important right now. T...