Pictured above are the Terminator from Terminator: Dark Fate (Paramount) and Janet from The Good Place (NBC). Images adapted from The Verge (Terminator) and TV Tropes (Janet).
In pop culture, advanced technology (whether humanoid or not) is often cold and mechanical or downright threatening. One of the most famously-frightening robots is HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. As Carnegie Mellon's Robot Hall of Fame said in describing him, "all of us ask whether we want to create intelligent machines that may someday endanger us."
In real life, the technology around us is changing ridiculously fast. Just 20 years ago, no one had a smartphone, and getting on the Internet involved a dial-up connection to AOL and a handful of other sites. The thing is, technology isn’t inherently good or evil.

What’s your favorite robot from pop culture? Is it cold and icy, or warm and fuzzy?